Foraging and the Moon
I’ve been obsessing over foraging edibles and the Moon lately. The very day after I decided to let go of my flower farm, I found myself pulling my herbalism books off the bookshelf. It’s like I have this of intake hole that needs to constantly flowing in, no matter how full I am.
I heard on a podcast lately that the creative entrepreneur should shoot for an absorption to output ratio of 60:40. 10:90 is ideal. This confirmed (again) to me, that yes, I am really beginning again. I found this strangely comforting as I assessed myself at a 90:10.
I began a flower farming newsletter this summer with this line, “Sometimes farming flowers feels like fighting nature.” I immediately deleted it, but that line has stuck with me during this winter transition from flower farming, back to art making. After writing and deleting that line, I began reading Zen again. Why do I ever stop reading Zen?
This is not the first, or the second or third time, that I’ve scrapped everything I’ve been doing in a heartbeat, to clear my schedule (and my head) despite any reason, logic or financial plans. In fact, it was about four years ago this spring, when I ditched a stack of paintings and sketches, leaving them half finished and eventually trashing them all, and decided to start a flower farm. I’ll just say, that it’s been a mind fuck of a winter and I’m finally feeling really great about rediscovering the direction of the flow of the stream I exist in. We can skip the details :)
Coming up April and May:
Wild leek greens and bulbs
Stinging nettle greens
Sheep sorrel greens
Burdock root
1st Quarter Moon 4/22
Full Moon 4/29
3rd Quarter Moon 5/7
New Moon 5/15
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