The living and the dead :)

Ooh jeez! I just noticed I promised some of the big stuff awhile back!! I've been crankin' lately so here...

So, when I went around the world I was the most free and most exhilarated as I've ever been, thus far : ) One of the things I learned while living with a Mayan farmer in Argentina, is that my Mayan horoscope sign is Kamé, the link between earth and sky, the living and the dead. At the time I thought, "Cool, I feel like that's about right." : )

I came back to my home sweet home and after bouncing through a few not-so-cool jobs fell into a position with Gilda's Club (an incredible Cancer Support Organization  : ) where I basically roll around all the oncology floors in different hospitals with a bag full of art supplies helping people to 'live', in the exhilarating sense of the word, a little bit more by encouraging them to make stuff. 

This is what shows up in life.

Well my amazing job hasn't been feeling too amazing lately because in the last few weeks I've lost some friends. And I've been thinking, reading, writing, and messing around with some ideas about my recent relationship with death and dying, and it's really been getting me down. Today, however after seeing some kids looking robust as ever with full heads of hair again, I realized it really is a simple thing I'm doing. 

Along with helping people 'live' I am also helping them to 'die'.

Key word here: helping. 

So, back to Kamé. I am in the middle of it all and no one said it would be easy. BUT, I acknowledge that I do have a connection to the dead, and now I can look at this and say, 'Well, here's what it looks like!'

"The Mayan astrology sign Kamé is about life and death...reincarnation and rebirth...harmony and balance. To the Mayans death wasn't a bad thing. It symbolizes peace and easier times. It is our concept of paradise, or Nirvana. Kamé is about being guarded and advised by our ancestors. They lend us their strength and wisdom."



  1. Lindsey, you are an incredible artist and an absolute inspiration. Thank you for being who you are. -Wes


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