
I make art.

"As long as your facing the right direction, it doesn't matter how big your footsteps are."

I was going through my goals a week or two ago, getting into the nitty gritty, working out what my plan of attack is now that I'm in Chicago...indefinitely (whoa.). I have this idea that I want to run a furniture refinishing business with a junk shop in the front and workshop in the back. My art studio will be in the middle and I'll sell plants there and give away free coffee. I realized, after putting it down on paper, that my dream is a perfect example of how unfocused and scatterbrained I can get when things are easy.  

I crossed it all out and wrote 'make more art' underneath. Because that is all I really really know and truly believe that I am put on earth to do . The rest will just fall into place when it's ready : )

Just a little moment of clarity there. If I had my Tao book with me in this lovely little coffeeshop-on-a-cloudy-day I'd quote something magnificent, but you'll just have to enjoy some paintings for now instead : )
