finding the new 'here'

I spent a few months living in New York in 2006 and thought I would move back as soon as I graduated college. When the time came, I realized I wasn’t ready in that moment to take off back east. So, I stayed. It was then that I got obsessed with the idea of making a place whatever you want it to be. Cities especially.

Each city is a unique mix of the cultures and ideas of its residents. Making Buenos Aires pretty darn European, considering there is a heavy Italian and French influence. The subways are decorated in colorful mosaics, not unlike New York as well.  Copenhagen was just a cousin of Chicago, Berlin was just a big Arequipa, without the volcano.

I realize that I am generalizing hugely here, and each city is also beautiful for being itself, but while traveling I found myself losing track of which place was what, and more importantly, it stopped mattering where I was. Names of cities became as irrelevant as drinking americanos or a drip coffee, the difference between a taco and a burrito, being somewhere at 9:00 or 9:30. (If you know me personally you know that I don’t see much of a difference between those numbers : )  I could have gone either way.

So, what I keep coming back to as the important thing, the only thing that matters, is the frame of mind I choose to exist in. I would be equally as happy with a taco or a burrito, for the most part, and as long as I maintain my sense of exploration and adventure I might as well be in Bangalore or Chicago. (That one takes a little more imagination) I close my eyes when walking down the street and take a few breaths of my Indian mentality every once in a while. Or walking east down Division Street just before Wood, looks to me just like Berlin. All I need is a little German accent to float by or a falafel and I’m there. (falafel is to Berlin as tamales are to Chicago)

I’m choosing to keep my adventure-goggles on and to not end the journey just ‘cause I’m back in the city I call home. It’s just a word.

 Food for thought:

If you’re interested, this is also a great podacast about cities, not so much the way I look at them but interesting none-the-less : ) 

and NEWS: 

SO. I’m in the process of connecting this blog with my newsletter, getting a new website up (had to delete it for travel funds!), and getting ready for some Christmas-y sales in November. Gettin' back on the ball yo! Keep your eyes open and I’ll keep letting you know where to find me : ) 

*If you want in on the newsletter email me at and I'll throw you on the 'awesome people' list in my contacts : ) 

Lots of lovin' from 4 floors up on Randolph Street!
