to ocean or not to ocean?


I swear I haven't been planning this. I couldn't plan it this good. 

I'm sitting in Natalia's mom's cousin's daughter's apartment overlooking the Bosphorus in Istanbul, everyone else is asleep, and I've got a bottle of cheap wine, a room full of books (Hemingway's short stories, yes please), a beautifully twangy guitar, and a I'm just doing a little image searching of the places I've got lined up for the next two and a half months in India...

above: mahabalipuram (just south of chennai/madras) arriving on tuesday! t-3!

idukki! planning to work on a farm near the Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary...maybe I will get an elephant for christmas : )

and then to varkala, a beach-y, cliff-y, traveller-y, town to work for a few weeks at a coffeeshop <3

annnnnd a few weeks off to meander the backwaters of kerala...

and move north to nasik for yoga school : )

i just realized it's actually pretty silly to be putting google image photos up but I just got really excited! I will take some nice photos soon and put them up for you : ) for now...holy shit I'm leaving for India tomorrow!!!

Felicia, Natalia's (blah blah blah) cousin, is taking us for the only falafel in Istanbul on the way to drop me at the airport : ) I think I love her.

chow for now. LINZ
