De Buenos Aires!

I am here! Or just not there! :) due to limited internet i am cramming a lot into one post chronological order:


For years I have been slowly detaching myself; from things, possesions, the desire to be in control of things, expectations, and eventually my reliance on others.

I have been looking forward to the freedom I am about to gain from everything once I lift out of Miami. I can`t wait to be responsible only for myself (and Tal, but that's easy  : )

After saying my goodbyes, getting to the airport (late), two more big goodbyes, checking ALL my shit and finally, nervously sitting down in my window seat behing the wing with a giant breath out, it hit me that I knew exactly what it was that I cannot escape from:

I will always be responsible for people's attachments to me. No matter how much I choose to let go, I will never lose that respect for the beauty of human interaction and attachment.

So that's a little extra weight added to the pack as far as taking care...

And then I lost it uring the pilots weather speech, the seat belt demo, and the big white-grey sky swallowing our plane (and it wasn't immediately sunny up there, which was weird.)

And then this song came on and a felt a lot freakin better : )

(no idea how it sounds i couldnt hear it :) but that song got played a lot while getting ready for this trip!)

random bits about Buenos Aires:

they have the BEST freaking trash! we saw some amazing stained glass windows, a golden sun mask, and some great little wooden stools all in one block! Im going to start photographing it since i cant take it : )

they dont have iced coffee here, only frozen, and they will nOT put whiskey in frozen coffee, only hot.

trains are slower than buses.

we are staying in Palermo, (kind of the 'wicker park' of BA) and there is awesome graffiti all over. My favorite so far is a neon green cat who's body is a chest of drawers and he was yelling something that got scratched to come)

the cigarettes we bought are called 'le mans suave', which i thought was funny : )

and they are playing david bowie covers en espanol in the hostel right now...fabulous.

Next up: Bahia Blanca, med sized city near the bottom of the BA province...hasta luego los amantes!
